Entry #800

It’s been over 10 years and here we are at entry #800, only a few days away from it being one year since #700. #800 is a direct response to #700 and unfortunately it’s not very positive, but such is life. I’m still really happy with how active the...

Year Ten

The gallery turned 10 today. I’m starting 2020 on an optimistic note and I have high hopes for it. – Year Nine I would say that even against the backdrop of a global pandemic, 2020 exceeded all my expectations. It had its ups and downs, but the ups were unlike...

Entry #700

It’s been over 9 years since I started this little gallery of mine and I just hit 700 entries. Wow. Lotta feelings over many years. A lot of things have gone down in the past 8 months and the gallery is a reflection of that. It has likely seen one of the most...

Year Nine

The gallery turned 9 today. My prediction from last year that the ninth year will be a dark(er) one came true. Things did not go smoothly, in fact it was the bumpiest ride I’ve ever been on, and the gallery was here to see me through it. It saw more entries than...

On Instagram Too

I decided to give Instagram a try. Follow the gallery @thegalleryofme2011.

A New Home

What with the imminent downfall of Tumblr, I thought it would be best to pack up and move out. In hindsight, I should have done this from the start, but Tumblr was a different place in 2012 and I thought it would be a good home for the gallery. I’ve since...

Year Eight

The gallery turned 8 today. The past year was a pretty dark one, and I predict the next one will be too, hopefully only partially. Change can be difficult. Here’s hoping things will go as smoothly as possible. Timeline

Year Seven

The gallery turned 7 today. “Maybe 2017 will be a better year.” – I think it was. I’m not sure. Timeline